Customized Collet Chucks

As you consider your workholding needs, you may be wondering what collet types are ideal for your line. Collet chucks are a popular choice for …

CNC Workholding Methods: The Need for Precision

In the world of CNC machining, a shop has to be constantly looking to adapt and improve to produce the best products. This is true …

How to Choose Between a Power Chuck and a Collet Chuck

A new production line requires careful planning and execution to ensure you get the best return on your investment. A huge component to consider is …

How Are Stace-Allen’s Custom Collets Made?

At Stace-Allen, we promise you a custom solution for your workholding needs. But how do we bring your project to life? Our engineers follow a …

When to Consider Custom Workholding Solutions

When you work in the fast-paced manufacturing industry, you are constantly looking for the best solutions for your needs. Your innovations need to be matched …

Why production machining operations require backup workholding

When it comes to production machining, workholding is a small component that deliversoutsized value—or considerable cost. Workholding may be the only machine component thatcomes into …

How to get more life out of your power chucks

If you run your production line around the clock—or even just on a regular basis—you want toget a significant span of life out of your …

Increasing the wear time of customized chucks

After running their customized chucks 24/7, customers sometimes see quality drop offconsiderably. Tolerances aren’t as tight, outputs aren’t as reliable, and sometimes theworkholding stops working …

Changing a part? Here’s how to avoid delays.

If you’re looking for ways to shorten your time from design to manufacture, getting the rightinformation to the right people at the right time makes …